About MyRepublic




To Be The Pride Of Indonesia


  1. Providing fast, reliable internet service provider and pay tv for families and business
  2. Running a business with the principles of Green Company and Good Governance
  3. Providing the best service and data security to customers


MyRep – MyPride


Winning Concept, Winning System, Winning Team




  • Positive Attitude – Think and act in a positive ways
  • Reliability – Ability to be trustworthy and dependable
  • Integrity – Act accordingly to words or promises
  • Determination – Commitment to achieve results or goals
  • Excellence – Strive to be the best



Quality Policy

  • Providing internet connection services with guaranteed speed, quality and reliability at competitive costs
  • Continue to improve the performance of the service system for customers by developing effective, efficient and transparent work processes
  • Ensure that every employee has high integrity, has a superior work culture and is competent in their field of work
  • Provide work support facilities and infrastructure by utilizing the latest technology that is reliable and well-maintained
  • Have a work system that is continuously developed and in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and complies with the applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia
